Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My most dark & disgusting habits!!

Hello Earthlings. =D

This time, I will share bits of stories regarding the habits of ..................
my pets.
(don't let d title fool u, people..=P)
 Most of them, d habits, are unusual. Believe me. 
~~ And insyaALLAH after this post, I will be posting again the latest continuation of POM story.~~ Finally!

So, what habits to share?

1) Drinking: (unfortunately, water, not booze) Whitey & Ngungut love going to d bathroom to drink. They will miao & stare at ur face if d door is closed. 
               That’s their way of asking u to open d door & let ‘em in.

  2) Staring: Chucul is d champ here. Apart 4rom d lying against d wall (just 2 support his weight while licking his tummy), he likes to stand & stare (u can refer 2 d left below section of d blog 2 see how Chucul does d stare). Sometimes I wonder whether ‘malaikat kanan & kiri’ are using Chucul’s body to watch what I’m doing.

  3) Suicidal tanning: (happens at any time, mostly in d morning (9-10am) & evening (5–7pm) ) Whitey conquers this particular habit. U see, b4 entering d car-parking place of my house, there’s a tar road. Like d road is tar-ed. Get it? neway, Whitey lies on d road, licking, enjoying d sun & all, until he goes zzzz on d spot. He sleeps like d dead, perfect time 2 sprinkle few dried leaves or flowers, maybe tiny stones on him. 

   Why I say it’s suicidal? Well, when dad or sis comes in with their car, they have to honk first because Whitey WILL NOT WAKE UP/MOVE AWAY!
   = D more u honk, d more deep his sleep is.  =    


This habit has its own agenda: gaining attention. Thus, 2 park, dad or sis (or me) has to go out & PICK him up 1st, then park d car. Sometimes, when a car comes, that’s like a queue for him to do tanning in d middle of d road.

 Those are d top 3 habits of my ruled pets. All are based on true facts. 

I almost 4got. I know now what people gain 4rom reading my blog. They will laugh & say 'bodoh' at d end. =D


  1. : I didn't say 'bodoh' after reading your post... infact, i didn't say anything, all i did was smile and scratching my head...

  2. lol..thats like wondering abt 'shud i say stupid or nt?'..dats y u scratched ur head..
